Current Offerings



Mindful Business Coaching Combines Self-Development with ROI-Driven Strategies


Are you ready to carve out a legacy without carving out your soul?

Too often, remarkable professionals get swept in the current of endless to-dos. You possess a grand vision and even bigger heart, eager to expand a business that leaves a mark. All the while, you also yearn for those undisturbed moments with family & friends, hobbies, and travel that makes all the hard work feel worthwhile.

However, the whirlwind of daily tasks and the anxiety-provoking email inbox might leave you wondering, “Is it possible to have it all?”

The answer is a resounding YES. And this is where you’ll not only develop a map to attain it, but you’ll get the dedicated personal support to address the ways you’ve been getting in your own way.

  • "If you want to improve the organization, you have to improve yourself and the organization gets pulled up with you."

    Indra Nooyi, Former CEO of PepsiCo


Transform your trajectory from merely surviving in a cycle of overwork and feeling numb & fried to thriving as an exceptional thought leader who radiates influence and inspiration.

Nicole stands at the crossroads of corporate expertise and elite personal development, bringing together an impressive 19-year background in PR and marketing with her groundbreaking work as a board-certified hypnotist at the prestigious Four Seasons Hotel New York Downtown. This unique fusion enables her to craft bespoke pathways that lead you from a state of chaos to clarity and serenity.

Whether you’re preparing to up-level your personal brand or just looking to create more structure in your business and life, Nicole helps you create the runway for your profound ambition to take flight — ensuring your journey is not just successful but soulfully fulfilling.


  • Yes. I work with both. As someone who has navigated both sides, I find many of the same fundamental challenges — like time management and self-awareness are at the root of the problem.

  • I urge you to start with a complimentary Discovery Call. This is your opportunity for us to connect directly through video, allowing me to understand the intricacies of your challenges and aspirations. It serves as the foundational step towards ensuring a synergistic partnership, crafted to propel you towards your goals.

  • Take a crucial financial step in your entrepreneurial or freelance journey by understanding that your investment in business coaching could be tax-deductible. This encompasses expenditure on courses, workshops, seminars, and personalized coaching sessions geared toward enhancing your business skills.

    It is vital to meticulously maintain all relevant receipts and closely collaborate with your tax advisor to optimize these deductions.

    If you're an employee within a corporate structure, initiate a conversation with your Human Resources department about the benefits package provided and inquire whether business coaching expenses can be reimbursed. This proactive approach not only facilitates skill development but also ensures fiscal efficiency in your professional progression.

  • Yes, please mention you’d like to consider in-person sessions when you book your Discovery Call.


Join me for a complimentary video chat to discuss your current situation and how I can best help you move forward.